Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I apologize for the amount of time between the last blog post and this one, but I've been swamped. I'll try to break this blog down in bullets...that should help.

-In the past couple weeks, I've been writing/recording the rest of the album...and I'm really excited about the anticipated Summer release! 

-CINCO DE MAYOOOO! (Clearly this required its own bullet) 

-I got to celebrate the Engagement and 23rd Birthday of my Best Friend Sarah Beth!

-I've played 3 shows since the last post, and am so thankful for the Jaszcz's/Zodlounge Crew/Family and Friends that have made these shows possible!

-The next show is tomorrow night at 7:00 at Hotel Indigo (Union Street)...and we've booked a BMI showcase in Atlanta for July 21st!!

-I found out this morning that a radio station in Canada has been playing the songs for over a month!! How 'bout that eh?? (lame joke attempt), but seriously...GO CANADA!

-MTV's 'The Real World' will be playing a 3 minute instrumental of 'Cave In' on their latest episode tonight at 9:00 so be sure to tune in! (I can only imagine what drama will be going down in Cancun for them to use 3 minutes of this song...jail time? break up?)

-Lastly, the fan-made video of 'Cave In' has yielded over 15,000 views!! Apparently 20,000 is the magic number with let's see if we can get it there!

Okay, so that's a basic rundown of the latest news...If you made it all the way to the bottom, I'll be sure to hug you next time I see you!